VNIS Video Stream Analytics offers a wide range of insights into the user’s video engagement and quality of experience (QoE). However, with so much information available, sometimes it is difficult to know which information we needed in order to address specific concerns.
With that, Video Stream Analytics is provided with filtering capabilities to make it easier to pinpoint the pressing concerns of users and viewers. By using filters, it is possible to narrow down the information to identify the root cause of a problem and the areas to focus on for improvement.
You can find the filter option in the topmost left area of the main engagement chart.
There are several dimensions that you can select to filter the data.
Below are the dimensions you can use:
Device: use this dimension to filter
device- and software-related concerns
- Browser: Browser used for the video view (Safari, Chrome, etc.)
- Browser version: Browser version (e.g. Chrome 66.0.3359.158)
- Operating system: Operating system (iOS, Windows, etc.)
- Device name: Device name (e.g. iPhone 12)
- Device category: The form factor of the device: (e.g. tv, phone, tablet, etc.)
- Device brand: Device manufacturer (e.g. Apple, Microsoft)
Player: use this dimension to filter
player- and playback-related concerns
- Player software: Player software being used to play the Video (e.g. Video.js, JW Player, etc.)
- Autoplay: Indicates whether the player was set to autoplay the video or not (e.g. true or false)
- Preload: Specifies if the player was configured to load the video when the page loads (e.g. true or false)
Video: use this dimension to filter
video-related concerns
- Video name: Video file name (e.g. In-Stream switching.mp4)
- Stream: Stream name (e.g. first stream)
- Category: The category to which the video belongs
Network: use this dimension to filter
network- and connection-related concerns
- ASN: Autonomous system number (e.g. China-backbone AS4134)
- Source hostname: Origin server of the video (e.g.
- Connection type: The type of connection used by the player (e.g. cellular, wifi, wired, etc.)
Geography: use this dimension to filter
geography-related concerns
- Continent: Continent where the viewer is located (e.g. Asia, Europe, etc.)
- Country: Country where the viewer is located (e.g. Taiwan, Philippines, etc.)
- Region/State: Region or state where the viewer is located (e.g. Beijing, New Mexico, etc.)
Views: use this dimension to filter
viewer-related concerns
- Exit before video start: Specifies if the viewer abandons a video before the video starts (e.g. true or false)
- User IP: IP address of the viewer (e.g.