Creating cache rules

You can create cache rules on VNIS and these rules will be applied to all the CDNs you have installed and activated for your domain. You do not have to create separate rules for each CDN. 

To access, navigate to ' Multi CDN' > 'Cache control'. 

There are two types of cache rules you can create:

  • Cache rules: tells the system which specified path/resource to cache.
  • No-cache rules: the opposite of cache rules, tells the system which specified path/resource to NOT cache.

Cache rules

On ‘Cache control’, select the ‘Cache rules’ tab, and click 'Add cache rules'.

You can then customize the cache rule:

  • Directory: a specific path without the file and file name. The URL must have a slash ('/') in the beginning and at the end (e.g. /url_path/).
  • File extension: a specific file type. A period ('.') must be included in front of the file type (e.g. .jpg).
  • Advanced: you can include wildcards (‘*’) in your path. The rule must include at least one asterisk (e.g. /*/file.jpg). Some CDNs don't support this feature.
  • Expiry: when this cache rule will expire.


Note: Cache rules are domain-specific. In case you specify wildcards in your URL path (e.g. *, the system will separate caching for different subdomains (e.g. separate caching for and

No Cache rules

On ‘Cache control’, select the ‘No-cache rules’ tab, and click 'Add no-cache rules'.

You can then customize the no-cache rule:

  • Directory: a specific path without the file and file name. The URL must have a slash ('/') in the beginning and at the end (e.g. /url_path/).
  • File extension: a specific file type. A period ('.') must be included in front of the file type (e.g. .jpg).

Within the cache rule controls, there is an additional feature that allows you to adapt the cache rules set in your origin server. This feature is called ‘Honor origin’.

To activate, select the ‘Cache rules’ tab, and click 'Add cache rules' (or ‘Edit cache rule’ by clicking the ‘Setting’ button on an existing cache rule). 

Inside the dialog box, click ‘Advanced settings’, and then turn on the ‘Honor origin’ toggle switch. 

Honor origin is NOT available for these CDNs:

  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Alibaba DCDN
  • Cloudflare
  • Fastly
  • Telekom Malaysia CDN
  • Verizon CDN