With PlayerSDK as the core, it can collect various behavioral
data of viewers on the Player, including:
- Viewers' regions/devices/ASNs, etc.
- Videos' views/unique viewers/playing time/engagement, etc.
- QoE metrics such as video quality/startup time/smoothness/playback success
After uploading the video through Portal Assets, you can find
the Embed page in the Tabs below. You can set the iframe
embedded player details here. Then, the iframe code snippet
will be automatically generated below. You can directly copy
and paste it to the div in the front-end page to start running
and collecting data.
When clicked the "Embed" tab as below :
- Poster : You can upload your image as the cover of your video
- Start time : Set the start time of the video
- VAST URL : Set up links to embed ads
- iframe code snippet : After the above settings are completed, the iframe code is automatically generated and can be directly copied and pasted into the web page.