How to manage Origin Shield assets? (AWS)

Deploying Origin Shield through the AWS marketplace provides users with more choices for Origin Shield assets (or Origin Shield virtual machines). This gives users more flexibility in choosing the nearest Origin Shield from their origin, hence reducing latency.

Adding/Removing Origin Shield assets (AWS)

To add AWS origin shield assets navigate to ‘ Origin Shield’ > 'Assets'.

On the ‘Assets’ page, press the ‘ Add instance’ button.

To add an instance user should select:

  • Region: where the Origin Shield server is located
  • Service provider: the Cloud service provider that offers the Origin Shield service (e.g. AWS)

Click the ‘Add’ button when you finish your selection.

You can delete an instance, simply hover over the target instance, and click the ‘Delete’ (trash) button.


When deleting AWS Origin Shield assets, the platform will first stop the instance within 5 mins, then it will wait for an hour for bandwidth calculation. After that, it can delete the instance completely.

Managing existing Origin Shield assets (VNIS and AWS)

To manage existing origin shield assets navigate to ‘ Origin Shield’ > 'Region'.

You need to set the target domain from the ‘ Operation level panel’.

First, click the ‘Setting’ (gear) button, to show all available Origin Shield locations.

Select the location of your Origin Shield. The Origin Shield at that location will be designated to protect your origin and will be deployed to all your CDNs. 

Selecting "Auto" means the system will automatically detect the region closest to your origin server. Auto function is limited to VNIS Origin Shield.

Finally, click the ‘Save’ button to set the Origin Shield location.