VNIS allow you to switch SSL certificate types from Zero SSL to Custom SSL, and vice versa.
Switching to Zero SSL
First, go to ‘ Multi CDN’> ‘SSL’, and then click the ‘Add certificate’ button.
On the dialog box, select the ‘Select this’ button under the Zero SSL section.
Select the domain that you want to apply the Zero SSL, then click the ‘Create’ button.
Once the installation of the SSL certificate to your domain is complete, you can check the SSL certificate status of your domain on the ‘SSL list’ page.
Switching back to Custom SSL
Once you have already created a Custom SSL, you don’t have to create it again. The system already stored your Custom SSL, and you can simply switch back to use the stored Custom SSL.
Go to ‘Domain’ on the navigation bar, then go to the ‘General setting’ page, and then down to the ‘SSL’ box.
On the SSL box, click the ‘Settings’ (gear) icon on the top right.
Select the previously created Custom SSL on the ‘Activated certificate’ selection box, and then click the ‘Save’ Button.
This will automatically switch back the SSL from Zero SSL to Custom SSL.