How to uninstall a Power-Up?

To orchestrate your web services more efficiently, VNIS provides users an easy way to install and uninstall CDNs and other products and services.

To uninstall a Power-Up, navigate to ‘ Marketplace’ > 'Installed Power-Ups'.

Uninstall CDN Power-Ups

To uninstall a CDN, first, go to ‘CDN’ tab, then look for the CDN Power-Up you would like to uninstall. Hover on it, and click the trash can icon on the rightmost side.

The system will show a confirmation box. Click the ‘Uninstall’ button to uninstall the Power-Up.

Uninstall Add-ons Power-Ups

Besides CDNs, you can also uninstall any Add-ons you bought from the Marketplace, e.g. Support packages, DNS Add-ons, DEM Add-ons, Origin Shield, etc.

To uninstall any of these Add-ons, go to ‘Other services’ tab, then look for the Power-Up you would like to uninstall. Hover on it, and click the trash can icon on the rightmost side.

The system will show a confirmation box. Click the ‘Uninstall’ button to uninstall the Power-Up.