On VNIS Home page, you can find the ‘Overviews’.
Overviews are sets of dashboards that present relevant platform statistics on different operation levels: Account level, Site level, and Domain level.
You can navigate between different operation levels using the ‘Operation level panel’ on the top left portion of the platform.
Account level Overview
You can access the Account level Overview by clicking the VNIS logo on the top left of the platform, or by navigating to ‘Home’.
You can check that you are on the ‘Account level’ when the ‘Site panel’ displays ‘All site’, and the ‘Domain panel’ displays ‘All domain’.
Account level Overview presents 5 items on its dashboard:
- Traffic and request chart
- Routing decision chart
- Site table
- Quick actions
- Consumption tracker
Traffic and request chart
Traffic and request chart shows the Total DNS queries, Total CDN traffic, and Total CDN requests of all the sites on your account (including all the domains in it).
Routing decision chart
Routing decision chart shows the routing decision made by VNIS system grouped in terms of country, CDN, and sites on your account.
Site table
Site table displays all the sites on your account, including their statuses: DNS, DEM, and Multi CDN.
Quick actions
Quick actions are sets of actionable buttons that give users recommendations on the most relevant action to take on a given page.
For Account Overview: ‘Add site’.
Follow this link to learn more about Quick action.
Consumption tracker
Consumption tracker are sets of account level statistics that inform users how much traffic, request, and features they have used. Follow this link to learn more about Consumption tracker.