VNIS Smart Load Balancer automatically routes website traffic to the best CDN for a given location and time. To identify which CDN is selected and assigned to a specific geographic location, users can refer to the route map.
Specifically, users can use the route map to check the CDN assigned for a given location and routing strategy. This is useful when evaluating whether the routing strategy set by the user is aligned with their intended business strategy.
To access the route map, navigate to ‘ DEM’ > ‘Route Map’.
This feature operates on the domain level. You need to set the target domain from the ‘ Operation level panel’.
Route map consists of 5 dimensions, namely:
- Location: This lists the countries, regions (provinces or states), and cities.
- Network: This identifies the network used for a given location.
- Assigned CDN: This specifies the assigned CDN for a given location using the routing strategy triggered by the Smart Load Balancer.
- Current Strategy: This specifies the current routing strategy triggered by the Smart Load Balancer.
- Last Updated: This specifies the date and time when the route map was last updated.
Using the screenshot above, it means that for the region of the United Arab Emirates, the routing strategy that has been used is the default routing strategy, and this routing strategy picks GMA as the best CDN for this region. There were no network considerations used for the routing strategy for this region, which is why, the network field was left blank.
If a user didn’t create any custom routing strategy, then only the “default routing strategy” can be triggered by the Smart Load Balancer. However, if a user created a custom routing strategy, then the Smart Load Balancer may trigger the custom routing strategy or the “default routing strategy”. Follow this article to learn how to create a custom routing strategy.
Users may also use the location filter, to quickly identify assigned CDN and strategy for a specific location. See the example below.