Some CDNs generate their own SSL and do not accept custom or third-party SSLs. When you activate this kind of CDN for your domain, VNIS platform will automatically generate an SSL certificate via that CDN for you.
You can find more information on the 'CDN generated SSL' in:
- SSL page
- General settings page
CDN generated SSL in 'SSL' page
Navigate to ‘Multi CDN’ > 'SSL'. If you see anything other than "Zero SSL" or "Custom SSL" under the 'Certificate type' column, then that is a “CDN-generated SSL”. For example:

CDN generated SSL in 'General settings' page
Navigate to ‘Multi CDN’ > 'General settings', then scroll down to the 'SSL' box.

Find the 'CDN generated SSL' under the 'Certificate' section, click the ‘View’ (eye) icon, and you'll find all the installed SSL generated via CDN.