VNIS DNS Analytics is an interactive and easily visualizable chart that monitors real-time users’ requests to VNIS DNS.
This is a powerful tool that provides insights into the capabilities of VNIS DNS to handle DNS requests globally.
You can access DNS Analytics by navigating to ‘ Analytics’ > ‘DNS’.
For now, DNS Analytics has 1 chart: DNS Request Chart. It will be expanded in the future.
DNS Request Chart
The DNS request chart monitors Total DNS requests passing through the VNIS DNS for a given site.
Total DNS request consists of Global DNS request and China DNS request.
Chart Controls
Date range: You can specify the range of the date of the DNS Analytics chart by accessing the date range on the top right of the chart.
The chart will display data for 7 days (1 week) range by default, but you can set the date range from 1 day to 30 days (1 month).
Refresh chart: You can refresh and update the chart by clicking the ‘Refresh’ icon on top of the chart.
Data presentation: You can plot data of Global and China DNS requests separately (i.e. Divide) or plot data of all DNS requests additively (i.e. Summary).
Quick Actions
Together with Quick Actions, DNS Analytics not only gives users visual actionable insights but also easily guides users to the next possible actions to take right after analyzing the insights.
Users can easily set routing strategies, avail of other CDNs, install private beacon, etc. based on the actionable insights they got from the analytics.