Monthly subscriptions
If you would like a refund, contact us first and do not remove your domain/s. We will work with you to evaluate your case and issue a refund if needed. Without any domains in the platform we will not be able to proceed to the evaluation, hence, will most likely disqualify you from refund.
Again, do not remove your domain, and contact us first by clicking the ‘Help’ button below.
When refunds will be considered
- If you were just charged for your next month of subscription, but you meant to cancel, please contact us and we will review your case.
- All refunds will be processed to your account as VNIS credit
- Cash refund is only available to users that experienced system-related errors
VNIS credit can only be used for VNIS-related transactions and cannot be converted into other currencies.
VNIS credit can only be used for VNIS-related transactions and cannot be converted into other currencies
When refunds aren't granted
- Contact us when you remove the domain.
Annual subscriptions (Enterprise)
When you sign up for an annual up-front commitment, we offer you a significant discount over the already-low monthly subscription cost. If at any time within the first 45 days of using our service you are dissatisfied, please contact us. We will do our best to address your issue, provide a workaround, or give a timeline for a solution that will meet your needs.
An exception to our refund policy
Please note that we will not issue a refund (FULL or PRO-RATED) when we have suspended or terminated your access to VNIS services due to a violation of our terms of service, or due to circumstances that are beyond VNIS' control.