What will happen if a domain bypasses the Origin Shield?

When a domain bypasses the Origin Shield, Origin Shield-related features will be deactivated for that particular domain.

Check this article on how to bypass the Origin Shield.

The features that will be deactivated are summarized below:

Security features:

All security features under Origin Shield page will be disabled for a particular domain.

This includes:

  • Origin Shield Region
  • Access Control
  • Bot Management
  • Firewall Rules
  • API Protection
  • CRS Rules
  • HTTP Header Rewrite
  • Origin rules

Performance enhancement features:

All performance enhancement features under the Origin Shield status card (on Multi CDN > General Settings page) will be disabled for a particular domain.

This includes:

  • Custom host header
  • Custom page
  • Persistent connection
  • Auto content compression
  • HTTP 103 Early Hints
  • OCSP stabling


The Origin Shield Analytics for a particular domain will be disabled.

This includes:

  • Request chart
  • Access control / Bot management chart
  • Firewall rules / CRS rules chart
  • Threat log