Where can I find all the installed Power-Ups?

VNIS categorize Power-Ups into two:

  • CDN Power-Ups - this includes Managed CDNs and Custom CDNs
  • Add-ons Power-Ups - this includes Support packages, DNS Add-ons, DEM Add-ons, and Origin Shield Add-ons

You can find and manage all your installed Power-ups at ‘Marketplace’ > ‘Installed Power-Ups’.

CDN Power-Ups

You can find the installed CDN Power-Ups by going to the ‘CDN’ tab. You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Search a CDN by ‘Domain’ (which domain the CDN is installed), or by ‘Power-Up’ (name of the CDN provider).

  • Check CDN Power-Ups status (‘Installed’, ‘Installing’, ‘Failed’)
  • Uninstall CDN Power-Ups by clicking on the trash can icon.

Add-ons Power-Ups

You can find the installed Add-ons Power-Ups by going to the ‘Other services’ tab. You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Check CDN Power-Ups status (‘Installed’, ‘Installing’, ‘Failed’)
  • Uninstall Add-ons Power-Ups by clicking on the trash can icon.

Power-Up Cards

You may also check individual Power-Up cards to see whether you have already installed these Power-Ups or not.

When you are viewing a CDN Power-Up card, you can open the 'Installed' tab to see whether this CDN is installed to any of your domains.

When you are viewing an Add-on Power-Up card, you can simply check the ‘Call-to-Action’ button to see whether this Add-on is ‘Already installed’ or not yet.