Credit limit is the amount of debt (negative balance) the user is allowed to borrow when using VNIS services. When the user exceeds this limit, it will trigger the system to execute billing.
Each plan has a default credit limit.
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Plan Default Credit limitThe consumption of plans and paid-tier features will be checked every hour, and the consumption cost will be recorded as debt. You can track your debt as compared to your credit limit on the ‘Billing info tracker’ from this side panel of the ‘Overview’ (‘Home’) page.
As mentioned above, if the user’s ‘Unbilled debt’ (or billable consumption) exceeds the 'Credit limit', this will trigger the billing system to create an expense and charge the user’s account automatically.
To understand how it works, let’s use an example.
Let's say you are on the Developer plan (USD 0 / month). In a hypothetical hour of the day, for instance, you incurred 500GB of CDN traffic and 300k CDN requests. You still have USD 10 free credit left.
Step 1:
Given this situation, the system will first calculate all your consumption and record them in your credit limit.
CDN Traffic tier-cost:
0 - 5GB:
USD 0.00 (Free-tier for Developer plan)
USD 0.18 / GB
CDN Request tier-cost:
0- 200k: USD 0.00
(Free-tier for Developer plan)
>200k: $0.10 / 10k
Consumption cost:
CDN traffic:
(500GB - 5.00GB) * USD 0.18 / GB = USD 89.10
request: (300k - 200k) * USD 0.10 / 10k = USD 1.00
Total debt:
USD 89.10 + USD 1.00 - USD 10.00 = USD 80.10
Step 2:
Then the system will compare your debt to your credit limit for this hour.
Developer Plan Credit limit:
USD 50.00
Since your debt exceeded your credit limit ( USD 80.1 > USD 50.0) for this hour, the billing system will charge your account automatically. If the payment was unsuccessful, the service will be temporarily stopped until the payment is successful.
Note: If you wish to change the credit limit, you can contact us to check your eligibility.