What is the difference between Community Data Pool and Private Data Pool?

In this article, we will discuss the scope of the different data feeds, namely:

  • Community Data Pool
  • Private Data Pool

Community Data Pool

Community Data Pool is a collection of VNIS default data feeds that generate data that is shared to all VNIS users. The vast data collected in these feeds will be used to plot data in various Analytics charts and will be used (by default) by Smart Load Balancer to choose the best CDN for user’s websites. 

Community Data Pool collects:

From user (own):

  • Performance data from user’s Managed/Preset Custom CDNs via synthetic monitoring
    • Performance data collected includes Dynamic data and Static data
  • Performance data from the user’s Managed/Preset Custom CDNs via RUM (Real User Monitoring)
    • Performance data collected includes Dynamic data and Static data

From other users (others):

  • Performance data from other user’s Managed/Preset Custom CDNs via synthetic monitoring
    • Performance data collected includes Dynamic data and Static data
  • Performance data from other user’s Managed/Preset Custom CDNs via RUM
    • Performance data collected includes Dynamic data and Static data

Totally, the community data pool collects performance data from 8 data feeds.

You need to install 'Beacon code' to acquire data via RUM. Follow this article to learn more about the Beacon code.
Also, follow this article to understand the difference between Static data and Dynamic data.

Private Data Pool

Private Data Pool is a collection of user’s domain-specific data feeds that generate data that addresses user’s website requirements. The data collected in this feed will be used to plot various Analytics charts and can be optionally used (i.e. through manual user configuration) by Smart Load Balancer to choose the best CDN for user’s websites.

Private Data Pool collects:

From user (own):

  • Performance data from the users' Non-preset Custom CDNs via synthetic monitoring.
    • Performance data collected includes either Dynamic data or Static data (depends on user’s settings)
  • Performance data from the users' Non-preset Custom CDNs via RUM.
    • Performance data collected includes either Dynamic data or Static data (depends on user’s settings)
  • Performance data from user’s Monitoring CDNs via synthetic monitoring
    • Performance data collected includes either Dynamic data or Static data (depends on user’s settings)

Totally, the private data pool collects performance data from 3 data feeds.

You need to install 'Beacon code' to acquire data via RUM. Follow this article to learn more about the Beacon code.
Also, follow this article to know more about different types of data collected.