When a user uses the Managed DNS (i.e. step 3 of the onboarding process), the system will automatically install Zero SSL to all the domains added to the platform.
Check this article to learn more about Zero SSL.
However, when a user doesn’t use Managed DNS, the user needs to install SSL certificates manually.
VNIS offers 3 ways to install SSL certificates when a user didn’t use Managed DNS.
- Upload Custom SSL (Follow this article to learn more about Custom SSL)
- Upload Zero SSL by adding a CAA and an NS record to the user’s current DNS provider/registrar
- Upload Zero SSL by copying CNAME value to user’s target CNAME record (subdomain)
Add CAA and NS record
To install an SSL certificate through this method, navigate to ‘ Multi CDN’ > ‘SSL’.
Hover to your target domain (i.e. subdomain or wildcard domain), and click the ‘Setup’ button.
On the DNS verification window, follow the written instructions.
- Log into the DNS control panel of your DNS provider/registrar.
- Create a new CAA record on your DNS provider/registrar with the specified record name and content/value.
- Create a new NS record on your DNS provider/registrar with the specified record name and content/value.
- After you create the NS record, click the ‘Verify’ button.
Check this article for more details.
After verification, Zero SSL will be installed on your target domain/s.
If the domain on user’s DNS record didn’t have a CAA record, or already has the same CAA record, then verification ONLY needs to add an NS record. However, if the domain on user’s DNS record has another CAA record/s, then verification will need to add bot CAA and NS record.
Copy CNAME value
To install an SSL certificate through this method, navigate to ‘ DNS’ > ‘DNS Record’
Hover to your target domain (i.e. subdomain), and click the ‘Copy assigned CNAME’ (paper) button.
Then paste this CNAME value into your target CNAME record on your DNS provider/registrar.
Check this article for more information.
Zero SSL will be installed to the domain specified in the CNAME value.